ESD and soldering technology blog

KEINATH Electronic GmbH is growing...

KEINATH Electronic GmbH is growing... 3.4.2020

...out of their current building.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear business partners,

Every year, the KEINATH Group invests a high six-digit euro amount in the development of new ESD measuring and testing devices of the Industry 4.0 generation, as well as in further branded, innovative and sustainable quality products and in the further development of our extensive service portfolio. In doing so, we place the highest priority on resource-saving, short distances in the entire value chains and, wherever possible, try to organize procurement and production regionally, in the "Ländle" Baden-Württemberg, in Germany, our German-speaking neighboring countries or in other European nations.

Committed to our demanding Code of Conduct, we avoid sourcing materials and manufacturing our products in all the distant markets of the world's low-wage countries, thus making an important contribution to respecting human rights in general, protecting children's rights in particular, and at the same time keeping the impact on our environment as low as possible with our efforts to travel as short distances as possible.

The ongoing investments in new quality products and services "MADE IN GERMANY" and "MADE IN EUROPE" are very well received by our customers, for which the entire KEINATH team would like to take this opportunity to thank you!

This confirms our philosophy of being able to produce economically in a high-wage country and with a high vertical range of manufacture!

As a responsible family business, we want to continue on this path.

We take our sustained and extremely positive business development as a challenge to become better every day in offering you absolute premium products and at the same time to steadily expand and secure our own market position with a claim to leadership.

In order to be able to meet the high demands of our discerning business partners in the future, we are therefore planning a

New construction technology center

We are currently in talks with various municipalities in the district of Tübingen about the acquisition of a commercial site with an area of

10.000 m²

on which we will be available for you until

Year 2025/26

with an investment volume of

EUR 10 million

our new ESD technology center with application, training and conference rooms, modern development and laboratory facilities, a test center with test field for final quality checks and endurance tests, as well as a large warehouse and logistics area.

Stay curious - visit our website "NEWS" from time to time to get information about the planning progress of our architects and to learn more about the development of the new technology center.

We will be happy to keep you regularly informed on these pages about the status of the planning developments and, from the start of construction, also with pictures of the development of the property and are already looking forward to welcoming you personally in our house after the opening.

Here's to continuing the very best cooperation in partnership!


Sincere greetings to you,

the shareholders and managing directors of the KEINATH group of companies, Lilo and Ralf Keinath

and the entire team!

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