ESD and soldering technology blog

EPA - Electrostatic Protected Area

EPA - Electrostatic Protected Area 13.6.2023

Areas in which ESD protection measures are implemented are referred to as Electrostatic Protected Areas (EPA).

ESD protected zones are established in various industries where sensitive electronic components are manufactured, processed or used, such as the electronics, semiconductor, telecommunications and medical industries. Electrostatic discharge protection can prevent costly damage to electronic components and improve the reliability and longevity of electronic equipment. An ESD protection zone can cover an entire manufacturing area, a sub-area or just individual workstations.

Access must be limited to trained personnel, untrained individuals must be accompanied by trained personnel. This is because a high risk for products handled in the EPA is the person working in the ESD protection zone. In addition, the protection zone must be properly marked to make all persons aware of the area.

For comprehensive protection in the EPA, it is important that all materials, aids and also furnishings used are ESD-compliant, from the ESD-compliant floor, to the ESD-compliant workstation and work chair, to ESD-compliant work clothing.

In principle, each EPA should be adapted to a protection concept developed before it.

Do you need help with EPA planning? No problem, just contact us! -Contact-

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